The type of subdivision you decide to do, will influence your subdivision costs. Your final decision on how the subdivision will be done and “by who” can also have a dramatic influence on the final cost and timeframe for completion.
Side by Side Green Title Subdivision is the preferred method of subdivision in Western Australia.
Full Subdivision Estimate Surveyors EstimateGenerally, you will see this type of subdivision on the corner at the end of a street.
Full Subdivision Estimate Surveyors EstimateSurvey Strata or Battle Axe blocks, as they are commonly known, are methods of subdivision used more so for two-lot subdivision designs.
Full Subdivision Estimate Surveyors EstimateDedicated to helping all our clients get the best possible outcome and savings on their overall subdivision costs.
Looking for an experienced subdivision surveyor for the complex jobs and paperwork
Get In TouchLooking for full project management and a hands-off approach
Get In TouchThe costs to subdivide depend on a range of factors. Some of the most significant costs include:
Water Corporation Fees (headworks fees) – allocate approximately $6k for a 2 lot subdivision and $13,600 for a 3 lot subdivision.
Western Power Fees will depend on whether you have a power pole on your side – allocate $3500 or if it’s on the opposite side of the road – allocate $4,900.
WAPC Fee – initial upfront fee is approximately $3500 depending on whether you are creating 2 lots or 3 lots.
Plumbers Fees – Allow $2500 for a standard Survey Strata plumbing re-alignment.
If you are considering Green Title subdivision with side-by-side lots or a corner block subdivision, we strongly urge you to speak with us. Green title subdivision may require a sewer extension which is a complicated process which can be very costly and make many projects unfeasible.
Electricians Fees – electricians are required only for survey strata subdivisions and generally not green title unless special conditions apply. Allow $3000, however this cost can vary either side of this figure.
Surveyors Fees will depend on scope of the project. You may want the surveyor just to carry out the essential and complicated surveying related tasks and paperwork or you may request that they manage the whole project, including all trades until the titles have been issued. Speak to us about your project and the costs involved with both of these options.
Earthworks costs vary greatly. They are only required in specific circumstances depending on the block conditions and shire. Speak to us to find out if you would require earthworks as this potential cost will have a significant impact on the overall feasibility and cost of the project.
Other costs include demolition and site clearing if required (approx. $16k), local government fees, Landgate fees, settlement fees, fencing and bitumen crossover (if required).
The best way to assess the feasibility of a subdivision is to chat with us so that we can discuss all of the aspects of your subdivision project.
Owner managed subdivisions entail the following:
Your jobs as the project manager will include engaging and scheduling the trades, and checking the compliance of the on-site work amongst other tasks.
You will need to appoint a surveying company to complete the complex jobs such as the project contour survey, survey pegging and application paperwork.
Many of our clients opt for this cost saving approach by taking on more of the time-consuming tasks in dealing with trades & project delivery.
Get in touch with us about this owner-managed approach
Some of our clients want a hands-off process in which they can be confident that the subdivision will be completed on-time and on-budget.
In this scenario, we take complete control of the project for you and manage everything up until the issue of titles. This option removes the risk of making costly mistakes on your subdivision
Contact us today about a fully managed subdivision
Experienced Land Surveyors & Development Consultants
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Perth WA
We have created hundreds of subdivisions across WA
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